Effective internal investigation

Dubai – UAE

Sunday, 10 November، 2024 – Thursday, 14 November، 2024 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Please Select Your Ticket Please select seat Error seat duplicate

Course details

Unit Price



(100 tickets)


Min number ticket is 1
Max number ticket is 100

Participant information

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Payment Method

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  • You have to transfer money to my bank after booking event successfully, then I will send Ticket to your email. For purpose test: we still send ticket although you don't transfer money. Administrator can change this option in backend.
  • Payment via Woocommerce
You have to agree with terms and condition

Participant information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Designation/Position
  • Company Name
  • Responsible Person Full Name
  • Responsible Person Position
  • Responsible Person Phone Number
  • Responsible Person Email

Payment Method

Booking Information Edit

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System Fee

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